Tag Archives: film

Merry Christmas from Dixie and Tinker Belle’s

Its time again for Dixie and Tink to wish everyone a Happy Holidays. Yeah, they know its corny but its their way of wishing everybody a “Merry Christmas” from Mayrath Video Solutions!!

As always if you have any questions or need any Video Slide Shows, VHS or Sony8 video, photo, or audio to DVD or Digital File conversions done, please call , email, or check out our website, Oh Yeah, and please like us on Facebook, thanks Bill

469 865 7666 [email protected] www.hsv2dvd.com

Using Your Cellphones to Film for the Holidays

To all My Followers:   This will be my last blog for 2015. Instead of pictures and videos of vacations I am just going to give a few helpful video tips. With the Holidays upon us family and friends will all be filming with their Cellphones , Ipads, and some will still bring out their old video cameras for this once a year celebration.  All of these tips you have already heard and possibly remember, so these are just a simple reminder.

#1 Remember that Cellphones do not have any type of stabilization monitor, so do not wave your phone around, try to keep it as still as possible when you are filming. If not when you put it on a 50″ screen it does not take long to start getting nautious.

#2  On any video device after hitting record button wait at least 1 or 2 seconds before speaking. If you ever want to have your film edited this will allow it to be a cleaner transition from scene to scene.

#3 Last Tip: You always want to film in the horizontal position if you are using a Cellphone.

I hope this helps enhance your video experience while you are filming for the holidays and as always if you ever have any questions or need any video, photo,  or audio to DVD or Digital File conversions done, please call , email, or check out our website,

thanks Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions, PO Box 3644, Coppell Tx. 75019 469 865 7666   [email protected] Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

After all “ We Make Your Home Movies Memorable Again” , that is our business.