What to do with converted vhs or any video tape, photos and slides when converted.

vhs For our May Vlog we discuss what to do with your media originals after having them converted to DVD or digital file. Thanks for watching.

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on vhs or any video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks

again for viewing, Bill

Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

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Bill and Mary Mayrath started Home Solutions Video 4½ years ago. Bill was a printing manager for 28 years and Mary retired from teaching after 32 years. Since 1990 they have been editing, scanning, and converting videotapes, photos, and record albums for family and friends as a hobby. 5 years ago they decided to realize their dream and change their hobby into a business. Mayrath Video Solutions" where we make your home movie memories viewable again.”

About Bill Mayrath

Bill and Mary Mayrath started Home Solutions Video 4½ years ago. Bill was a printing manager for 28 years and Mary retired from teaching after 32 years. Since 1990 they have been editing, scanning, and converting videotapes, photos, and record albums for family and friends as a hobby. 5 years ago they decided to realize their dream and change their hobby into a business. Mayrath Video Solutions" where we make your home movie memories viewable again.”