From Motorcycle Novice to Professional Rider

This months blog is about a video conversion job I did well over a year ago. To date it is still and always will be my favorite conversion job.

When I convert videos I never watch them. I put them on a story board and glance thru them to make sure there was no caps left on lenses, leaving the camera on while walking down the street, the basic wasted tape syndrome. In this case there was roughly 30 tapes of solid motorcycle practice to racing. For someone who grew up on dirt bikes this was fascinating to me and I ended up actually watching a good 75 to 80% of all the videos. I was watching a kid from the age of 5 mature into a professional motocross racer by the time he is 19. This is a 4 minute short of combined highlights of Eric’s rise to success over a 14 year period. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks Bill

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email.

Mayrath Video Solutions, 837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019           469 865 7666                  [email protected]   Please check out our website :

About Mayrath Video Solutions

Bill Mayrath is an expert in video conversion. Using state-of-the-art technology, Mayrath Video Solutions will convert virtually any format of analog video into high quality digital or DVD media.