Dixie and Tinks “A Barking Christmas Carol”

Its that time again. Dixie and Tink decided they needed a new Christmas video, after all they have to do something constructive for the company to cover their payroll.. Yeah, they know its corny and stupid but what the hey, Its The Holidays. Enjoy, from Dixie, Tink, Mary and Bill.
Mayrath Video Solutions

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill

Mayrath Video Solutions

[email protected]

469 865 7666


Photos, All Videotape Formats and Christmas Gifts

 Converting your photos, video tape, or slides to DVD or digital file is a great Christmas gift idea that will last for generations.

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill

What do Video and Photo Conversions have to do with Hurricanes

This months video is about why would you let your memories be lost when it is so easy to save them.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill

Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

Mayrath Video Solutions visits Strike the Right Note

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This months blog is about audio. Not necessarily converting audio but one of the many ways of creating it. We are visiting my good friend Cynthia who not only teaches voice,(she is giving me a a 30 minute voice lesson), but piano also and the name of her company is “Strike the Right Note”.
Please view the video and see how I do.

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill

Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

Video Slide Show of South Padre Island

In this month’s video blog we are on vacation in South Padre Island, Tx across from Port Isabel.

It is a short 4 minute video of the sights and sounds taken solely with our cell phone cameras. We were there for 4 days so a lot footage did not make the final cut.

Many people (especially younger) use their cell phones as their main source of picture/video taking, but there are those who cannot give up their cameras.   Most phones now come with great video and still functions that are capable of what many stand alone cameras can do.  So if you leave your video or still cameras at home or in your hotel room, you still have a great way to record your vacation memories.  “After all you never know what you might come upon and miss.”

Oh yeah, this was such a great place to visit, especially in our own state, that I thought I’d do a little advertising  for  South Padre Island & Port Isabel thruout the video.

Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill

Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

Memories, Memories , Memories? Moving, Downsizing, have old boxes of memories you do not want to move again?

Mayrath Video Solutions has your answer. We can restore/convert all of your VHS, VHS-c, MiniDV, and all Sony 8 videotape variations, VHS to DVD Conversion Services along with photographs, slides, negatives,  audio cassettes and vinyl record albums Audio Records to a playable DVD format, CD, or Digital file. VHS to DVD Conversion Services If you restore to Digital file this allows you to take those 2 or 3 boxes of memories and store them on an external drive or cloud, in your computer, or best of all in your phone. Imagine being able to watch your old memories while waiting in the auto repair shop, in the airport, or just whenever you feel like it.

Please give us a call , email, or just check out our website and like us on Facebook.

Mayrath Video Solutions                                                                                                                                                 469 865 7666                                                                                                                   www.hsv2dvd.com

Video Editing hints when using your Cell Phone or Digital Video Camera

For June’s blog I went back to the files and pulled out a short unused video. This has some helpful info when you are using your video or cell phone cameras. The info is especially helpful if you or you are having someone else edit your video pieces together.

I hope these hints are helpful until you get a chance to convert all of your memories. Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill Mayrath Video Solutions 837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019 469 865 7666 [email protected] Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com


Keeping records of your Property for Insurance Purposes

This months blog is about keeping a record and protecting your personal property very easily for insurance purposes.

I hope these hints are helpful until you get a chance to convert all of your memories. Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email.
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666 [email protected]
Please check out our website : www.hsv2dvd.com

The History of VHS Video Tape

VHS Video Tape to DVD TransfersThere was a time when the term ‘VHS’ was as ubiquitous as any trending topic ever on Twitter.  For the first time ever, a consumer had access to a technology that provided an affordable and convenient way to not only create and store home videos – but record live TV!

Today, we take for granted the convenience of video on demand and the high definition video camera built into the phone in your pocket.  But before the electron replaced the ball bearing, it was an analog world and things got exciting.

The first Video Home System, more commonly shortened to VHS, hit the US market in 1977 courtesy of its inventor JVC.  The first VCR cost nearly $1300 – quite an investment in 1970s dollars.  Blank tapes were about $20…each.  But as the format grew in popularity, it didn’t take long for cost to come down.  Much like the TV a generation prior, it was only a matter of time before every home had a VCR.  And most had a home video camera.

Who can forget that iconic red JVC camcorder that Marty carried around the mall parking lot in Back to the Future?  We didn’t know it then, but our culture was beginning to document every memory for posterity…The average home movie library, with hand-written, dated labels, seems to have foreshadowed the average Facebook profiles of today.  But we had no idea.  We just liked to be able to make our own movies.

Fast-forward to 2017.  VHS had a good run.  Funai, the last manufacturer of VCRs for retail sale, stopped its production in July of 2016.  The beginning of the end occurred far earlier with the introduction of the DVD format and the growth of home theater.  By the time high definition become the standard, VHS was already on its lat leg.  Cheap digital video cameras and ultimately the smartphone simply punctuated the end.

Today, aside from the occasional refurbished VCR on eBay it has become increasingly rare to even encounter a functioning unit.  But the boxes of VHS tapes full of holiday gatherings and little league games haven’t gone away.    They are just deteriorating each and every day, bit by bit.

VHS to DVD Conversion ServicesAnd a life long hobby becomes an industry with Mayrath Video Solutions.  There is an art to properly digitizing VHS home movies while maximizing the quality of the conversion throughout the process.  We are proud of the work we do and always enjoy the enthusiastic ‘Thank Yous’ we receive after nearly every project.

So next time you move those boxes of home video tapes, photos or slides or out of the way during spring cleaning, give us a call.  We can help you make your home movie memories viewable again.




Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019