As the holidays approach here are a few simple photo/video tips to ensure your holiday memories are preserved. Your holidays will be more enjoyable & less stressful if you plan ahead especially if some type of disaster happens. This is a good time to get your valuable photo & home movie memories converted to digital. This can also be a good gift for family members that have everything. As the holidays approach, be more aware of fires that can occur from shorted out Christmas lights, candles left burning, or fireplace mishaps. Also as you film your family mingling & enjoying themselves, remember to hold your camera/phone as steady as possible. When a video with lots of bouncing is replayed, it can make people nauseous, especially on a large screen HD TV. Almost all devices have built in stabilizers, but they only work well when there is minimum movement. AND since you already have your camera in motion, spend an extra few minutes going around the house filming all your valuables. As you know, this is the time of year that burglaries rise. If the unthinkable does happen & there is a disaster you can take comfort in knowing that your precious memories are all safely digitized & that your valuables are documented for insurance claims. If you saw interviews on the victims of the California fires & the hurricanes, many said they lost everything especially irreplaceable memories.
Mayrath Video Solutions
469 865 7666
Photo album conversion to make space. Check out the video to see how?
Photo album conversion to make space and clear out storage. Check out the video to see how? Thanks for watching, Bill
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on vhs or any video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks
again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website :
Christmas Video or photo to digital file as a different kind of Christmas Gift?
Need an idea for a different kind of Christmas Gift ? Think outside the box and convert those videos and photos to file or Disk.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on vhs or any video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
Please check out our website :
Editing Bouncing Cell phone video.
This months Vlog is about editing your cell phone bouncing video into a pleasurable viewing experience instead of a NAUTIOUS one. Please check out the video for some quick tips.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
469 865 7666
Photo and Slide scanning to Digital File
This months Vlog is about preparation for slide and photo scanning. Mary with Mayrath Video Solutions gives some insight into how Mayrath Video Solution prepares and QC’s their work in this snippet of her presentation. Thanks for watching, Bill
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
469 865 7666
Vinyl record albums or cassette tapes to MP3 Digital file
Record albums and tapes, do you remember what they are? We can make them hearable again by turning them into MP3 files to stream or store on your computer. Also, don’t forget the space you will save by converting these media to digital file.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on vhs or any video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email.
Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website :
What to do with converted vhs or any video tape, photos and slides when converted.
vhs For our May Vlog we discuss what to do with your media originals after having them converted to DVD or digital file. Thanks for watching.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on vhs or any video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks
again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website :
How to record family history to video
This month we discuss a few ideas on how to do your family history to make a pleasurable viewing experience. Please check it out and give us a call for any conversion to DVD or Digital File. Thanks Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
469 865 7666
Converting vinyl or cassette tape to MP3
This month we discuss that you can convert your vinyl albums or cassettes to MP3.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website :
Reasons to convert your memories sooner than later
A few reasons on why to convert your home movie memories, photos and slides now as to putting it off for later. We have discussed in earlier Vlogs how your memories can deteriorate by storing them in a non-climate controlled areas such as the garage or attic. This month we discuss reasons on how they can deteriorate in a climate controlled atmosphere.
Please remember if you need any info or have any questions on video, photo, or audio conversion to DVD, CD or digital file please contact us by phone or email. Thanks again for viewing, Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions
837 Leslie, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666
[email protected]
Please check out our website :