To all My Followers:
For the next few Blog posts I will be putting 1 to 3 minute videos out of old vacations taken from when I was a child all the way to with my family now. These will be from all over the world. After all “ We Make Your Home Movies Memorable Again” , that is our business. Now with all this being said:
Welcome to the 5th installment of our traveling blogs.
This month we are going back to 1998. We are visiting the state of Florida.
We start at Daytona, then on to Disneyworld and Universal Studios, and we finish the week out with the Kennedy Center at Cape Canaveral.
A few items to note about this vacation:
The track at Daytona is astounding. The high banked oval track is so steep that you can barely walk on it.
My middle son was 12 at the time and was embarrassed to go to the land of the mouse. I bought all the Disney hats for everyone to wear,( that’s the Clark Griswold in me I guess). He was afraid one of his friends might see him, 1500 miles from home. I explained to him if they did, they would not say anything because that meant they were there too.
We all a had a fantastic time and everything went as planned. I have to admit that I was amazed that for a whole week not once, with 3 boys, did we have a Clark Griswold moment.
For some reason we did not take any video on this trip, so we took 100’s of pictures. This video is comprised of only a few of those pictures done at a faster rate of speed than normal for this Slide Show Video along with the music background. Let us make a Slide Show Video for you.
Hope you enjoy this 5th segment video and as always if you have any questions or need any video, photo, or audio to DVD or Digital File conversions done, please call , email, or check out our website,
thanks Bill
Mayrath Video Solutions, PO Box 3644, Coppell Tx. 75019
469 865 7666 [email protected]
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